
Global warming is doesn’t just deal with the issues of Coal and Fossil Fuels but also deals with another main issue known as Deforestation.

Imagine yourself in the next few years owning your own house and having a great looking back yard with nice trees that you pride your backyard on, now imagine someone coming into your backyard and cutting your trees down without asking you if they were able to do so. Would you be okay with that?


No? Yeah, neither would I be. This is the main thing that is happening throughout the forests in the United States as I right while I am writing this right now. But unlike the backyard example I just provided where you are able to tell someone to stop cutting the trees; the forests don’t have that someone to tell companies to stop cutting down their trees.

The one thing that the forests do have on their side are some companies that will protect them and do everything in their power to stop these companies that are out here raiding the forests just so they can make a new parking area or create a new mall. National Wildlife Federation (NWF) is known as the main corporation that is out here trying to do everything in their power to stop deforestation. (


As we all should know trees absorb carbon dioxide from the air and store it within their branches and roots. The thing is that the number of trees on the planet are being decreased which is causing less carbon dioxide to be consumed and the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to be increased. When a group of trees (ex. Forests, National Parks) are burned the carbon dioxide that has been stored within the roots and branches all gets released at one time into the atmosphere.

When all this carbon dioxide that was stored within the trees is released into the atmosphere all at once, it doesn’t have any benefits and only harms our environment be contributing to something that has been growing bigger and bigger everyday which is known as the Enhanced Greenhouse Effect; This is a effect that heats the planet by trapping the solar energy from the sun within the atmosphere which also causes temperatures to rise way more than what they should be doing.


Deforestation In Brazil


Tropical Forest Deforestation

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