What can we do?

Global Warming is a huge issue and it is difficult to believe that one individual can make a difference, but if everyone would just make small changes to their every day lives, they would have an effect globally. To address the concern of burning fossil fuels, carpool more, ride a bike, walk to class. All of these things are making small contributions to a cleaner Earth. If you are ever in charge or a part of a company that deals with deforestation, try to better manage your resources. If we go through our trees too fast and irresponsibly, we won’t have any left, and we need trees. Cut certain areas down and then give them time to properly regrow. Grow trees offsite in greenhouses and plant them right after a site is cleared so the regrow period is shorter. If everyone works to change their own everyday habits and just puts in a little bit of effort, we can save our planet. For those looking to get involved on a larger scale, the Wildlife Conservation Society is an organization that works to prevent climate change on a global scale.

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